The Geography of Personality-The United States of Mind

The Geography of Personality - The United States of Mind - Researchers Identify Regional Personality Traits Across America

Here is something interesting  – the Geography of Personality – the researchers claim that they can assign personality attributes to states.  Talk about your ecological fallacy!  The United States of Mind (Wall Street Journal) Researchers Identify Regional Personality Traits Across America - The Geography of Personality. The traits mapped include extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.
According to the interactive map, New Yorkers are “open” and “neurotic,” but not “agreeable” or “conscientious.”   Oh, well, that sounds about right.  We will tell you anything - the most intimate details of our lives will be relayed to absolute strangers - but we won’t recycle properly!  Plus, we are very grouchy!  And I don’t even need to comment on the neurotic characterization!  Or maybe that IS the definition of a neurotic – a disagreeable, no-boundaries, recycling recidivist. 

Check to see what YOUR "State of Mind" is!

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