Indiana Jones World Map

Map by Matt Busch
Continuing in the vein of cool videos, I am posting here a short one on the making of the Indiana Jones World Map.  I jest not.  And the video is quite interesting, especially among those of us who had the pleasure of seeing the first Indiana Jones movie some 30 years ago during our formative years.  The movie made a big impression on me at the time, because, unlike the artist of the World Map, I actually loved history, geography, and archaeology!  And those movies (nevermind that they were complete fantasies!) fed those habits, and added in a healthy dose of action and adventure and exotic goings-on.  What’s not to love about Indiana Jones? 
     In the video, Matt Busch, the map artist, discusses the genesis of the map from a sketch, and how he symbolized the map, created the detailed legends, and added the basemap context to the map.  It's pretty nicely organized. And he was fairly fanatical about the research that went into it, as evidenced by his copious notes and charts.  I nominate Matt to the Legion of Honorary Cartographers for this effort.  
            You can view the map in more detail at, but be forewarned to avoid disappointment: the 250 signed copies of the map are already sold out.  

Thanks to the History Blog for posting the video and the story at

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